Helm 2to3 is Now Unsupported

Tue, Jul 16, 2024

Over four years ago, we introduced Helm 3, a major evolution in Helm's development. And we announced at that time that Helm 2 would receive patches and security updates for a year. We also provided a migration path to Helm 3 from Helm 2 and a tool helm-2to3 to automate migration.

One year later, Helm 2 became unsupported.

Here we are, over 3 years since Helm 2 became unsupported. It would be expected that all users should be migrated to Helm 3 by this time. Following consensus among the Helm org maintainers, we are announcing today the official end of support for the helm-2to3 tool.

In practice, this means that Helm 2to3 will receive no more updates (not even security patches).

We strongly discourage the use of the helm-2to3 tool moving forward, as it will be receiving no future security updates or patches. We hope that it has been a useful tool to aid in the migration from Helm 2 to 3.

Martin Hickey

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